The never ending fourteen inning game with JMU
I was at the U.Va. vs James Madison U. baseball game last night. It was a long drawn out event but it was really interesting. The game had a good deal of strategy as a lot of games do but it really was a struggle for these guys to get a run for fourteen innings. Then at around 11 pm it broke loose with JMU scoring five runs, and we had to answer for them all or the game was over. My friend and I witnessed many fans packing it in for the night and going home. But, we decided that it's not necessarily over until the very last out. I'm glad we did that, because the Cav's came back into the next at bat scoring two or three runs really quickly. We got excited! Then with two men on base Sean (or Dot as he seems to be called) Doolittle came to bat. With a mighty swing he hit the ball, all of my hopes flew with that ball when it headed up into the night sky. From where we were sitting it was hard to see what kind of arch the ball had, and it looked like it might go over t...