Why Weird People: Here is my Answer

Working is the way I earn the money to buy the food I need to feed myself. I often go to the grocery store weekly, actually I seem to often show up every Friday evenings when the place is pretty deserted and I can get what I want with the ease of an Olympic skater. It is their that I run into the matter of my memories provide me to draw when I open my pad. This drawing opposite is one of them. Someone asked me why do I draw and paint art that makes people uncomfortable? I actually stumbled when answering her. I had to struggle to tell her. I searched my thoughts and I wondered myself "why?" She said I should think about it. I did, boy did I. I tossed a bit thinking about it as I lay down to sleep that night. Sure I eventually rationalized an answer to it but it really wasn't until the next morning on my way to work when I really saw and knew why I create these really weird and sometimes bizarre caricatures on my canvases. Then I use my best tec...