Crozet Pizza

Since I've painted the buildings at the intersection of the stop light in the small town of Crozet before this wasn't a completely new and daunting task. I began by photographing the location from the exact spot where I set up my easel and painted it last year. The challenge was going to fit all those buildings into a much smaller canvas and still get the detail needed to be viable work. It took time to do it right, but in the end I think I got a better product out of my extra time than if I rushed myself. You can judge this for yourself by going back to June of 2014 in my blogs and check it out. Or just take my word for it. This painting was a work with very careful paint application. I took my time and only set small goals each day to complete. I didn't rush it or do a marathon painting session to just 'get it done' rather I worked mostly two and a half hours a day. By doing this it took a little longer than I am use to but I felt a lot better at...