
I enjoy some fun stuff with my caricatures or so I think of them as caricatures. They really aren't about anyone famous or anyone in particular so I don't know if they really qualify as caricatures but they are comic drawings of some kind, so I call them caricatures just because I can. I am truly thankful that I can draw these guys without someone putting me in the looney bin, I've been their and I didn't enjoy it much even if lot's of people tried to make it a good time. Losing one's liberties is never a fun thing so why pretend it was beneficial for me. In another way it was a learning experience because I learned that I could draw in any situation. I drew caricatures in their just to make cigarette money, which I did with the help of a guy who gave me mattes that had been rejected from the framing shop they ran on the campus. I took those frames and drew pencil drawings on some good BFK Rives paper then mounted them in those rejected frames. Th...