Time to Work, then Campout

Life gets busy and the busy get lively, I've been painting a whole lot since I've returned from a northern city of my past. (It's Philadelphia in case you didn't know, I went to Art School their) I've been able to do six 20 cm paintings on masonite and then one small 10" by 20" painting since my return. Most of them have to do with old model cars and/or traveling on the highway. I found that people who knew me thirty-five years ago also enjoyed the way I painted cars and such, so I decided to get right back to it when I got back home. I have enjoyed returning to that subject to paint. I always like autos and trucks and now I can make up my own versions of them when I create a painting and it's fun. They will be up on my site in a week or so. It will take a while due to the fact that I am headed out to a NA campout, the very first campout type of event that ever happened here in Virginia, and it's taking place at Natural Chimney'...