
Showing posts from December 11, 2011

Jazz at AHS

Having a little extra time to do with as I choose I was able to head out to the high school I work for and take in the band directors pet project the Jazz Band Concert last night. It was excellent music done by newcomers to the scene so I truly enjoyed every one's efforts. Of course being new talent there were some ruff spots in the night's music but on the whole I have to applaud every one's ability to stand up , play and be out in the open with some new instruments and to work as a team in the performance of some big jazz band's classics. I heard Glen Miller play live with his band in the Dell in Philadelphia so I know what it sounds like to do it well, and this group did their utmost and I was very pleased. With more time with their instruments they aught to be shinning examples who can continue the enjoyment of auditory sensory thrills of our society. Here's to the AHS Jazz group and there teacher/leader Greg Thomas..job well done and I'm glad I was ...

Statins reduce flu death risk by half -

Statins reduce flu death risk by half - This medicine has certainly been a factor in my health being what it is today, better than before I started getting a yearly check up over fifteen years ago I didn't know how good doing that was going to be until I read about the benefits of the statins I take every day for my cholesterol. It's amazing and now another benefit shown here. It is a blessing. One that I never in my wildest dreams did expect to come my way. I am humbled by my previous attitudes toward the science and scientist of the medical field. I stand aside for your own consideration of these wonders of science.