Fun Drawing , Believe Me, Just for Fun

Fool'n around I worked up this mess of people doing wrong to others, what I am thinking I don't know but it was fun. I create some nonsense sometimes at the cost of my reputation as a friendly guy I think. This one has a happy smil'n man putting on a woman's hair, now I don't think for a moment that one aught to take part in such and action but still one has to have fun with some wild ideas this being one of those. I tease with the hope that no one would actually perform this action on anyone else, it would be flat out wrong. But in drawing, it is possible to put down some images that in the real world would bring down ire from above, but this is art not reality. And its not to be taken as something one would advocate as something to do to another human being, certainly not!! I simply draw, and this seem to fit my feelings for the moment while at the drawing board. I really don't see the harm. Its all in fun. So please take it as such.