
Showing posts from October 9, 2011

The Tattooed Girl

When someone is working from a model one does a number of drawings in a sitting. Hopefully one can get many works from which one can draw upon at a later time when one is faced with the canvas. This is the result of working from one nice young woman who enjoyed the tattoo covering of herself which I didn't mind in some senses and in others it seem to be a hard body to read because the drawings upon her skin where difficult to work with in the drawing of them. They got in the way of me seeing her bodies shape and form many times but such it is.

Spring of Last Year

  The Spring breezes blew their winds as I painted this oil on Belmont Ave here in Charlottesville the other day, it's red betrays the deep red of brick in the house's walls, while details took some time to develope it turned into a quite good painting. I can say it was enjoyable to make it standing on the sidewalk as people walked by and said hello and how much they enjoyed seeing me paint. One person even asked me if I were that famous artist painting this city? I couldn't say that I was famous but I could say that I've been painting this town for a good number of years now. But I did suggest to them that it may be the case that they were confusing me with someone more in the news like Edward Thomas or Phil Geiger, but that was not for me to decide. It was fun though, I got in four hours on the first sunny day and two and a half hours on the very next day before I could call it done and sign it.

Working From The Woman's Form

Working from the female form is always a real joy for me, it's so beautiful and interesting in the results that come from it's definition in line. This drawing is an example of how I enjoy my work while defining it. My time spent is one done mostly in silence while drawing and most times those who work from the model around me would wish me to be even more- so on the silent side of life. But here is where the work is getting more defined and fun for me to see what does the human being size, shape and even color come from and where to they go as it the shadows created by said form. I am hoping to continue my search and I will keep all of you viewers posted.