
Showing posts from December 25, 2016

'Another Go' at the Guadalajara Restaurant

This restaurant has such a mysterious pull to it, I'm thinking "it needs another go at it" and so I pulled out my brushes once again. First I began a second and larger painting of it. Then while in the process I decided to add in some detail of the telephone wires that pass by but I failed to note in my first painting of the 'Guad'. That didn't take long to do. Once done I got back to work on my larger but not too too large second rendition of the Mexican restaurant 'Guadalajara' in the downtown area of Charlottesville. It took some time to finish it. Working on the canvas in two and a half hour stints I finally got it done in one week's work. In working on it I had to put it down and say it was done but then see something that needed a little more ....I had to do this a good number of times before I put it down for a final drying period. I liked the final result. I felt that I accomplished what the physical and spiritual feeling...