Structure in the Woods Standing Alone

This structure made of earth'n slate brick like blocks stands alone in a field near an old railroad track. There was a time when a train ran between here in Schuyler and on down to Scottsville. It began its run in the mountains near Afton and for all I know it might have run all the way to Richmond. A friend said his mother use to ride the train from Esmont (near this structure) to school in Scottsville everyday. What I don't know is just what this 'house' is or who lived in it and if it was a 'house' at all. It remains in a field just off the road between Keene and Esmont. Many folks know of it. Sometimes a crew of photographers will show up and set up a model in a pose using it as a backdrop for the photo-shoot. Eitherway, it is interesting even if no one seems to know just what its doing their in the first place. I suppose its been through a lot different uses over the many years its been standing, for me its u...