Just Letting My Thoughts Go

The day is about to unfold , it's not the most important day but it will be another day to live and enjoy life. I feel good about the artshow, my current health is also good and the state of my emotions is pretty good as well. I have plenty to do in order to keep active. But more importantly, I enjoy doing all that "busy work" all of us have to do every so often. It's enjoyable to take care of things, like my cat, my eating where I can cook freely just whatever I want, and reading both online and off. I've been reading how Bob Dylan is getting a new album out soon. I'm looking forward to it among all the other things like getting to a new painting of my own making, reading a book by Gorge Luis Borges whom I think was the best author I read in the nineteen seventies back when I lived and worked in Philadelphia and a number of other enjoyable things. I also can say I'm enjoying keeping fit. I exercise at Gold's Gym and I'm headed...