Taking a Closer Look at Life Surrounding Us

"The world goes by and if you don't grab it by the horns so will your chances go by" as someone once said ( I just can't remember who exactly said such a thing but I liked it when I heard it thus remembered it) such it is with art. One must take the drive to create and go take it into one's day to day life. So I do. I occasionally bring along my sketchbook with me into the city, here I sat down for twenty minutes and sketched a couple of scenes across the street and simply "crocies" (forgive me if I misspell it) that took no time at all but when I got them home I was very thankful for having made them. They are notes on my daily life. They are short looks into my surroundings. I can take a moment to remember that when I draw. It stops me from my taking my life for granted because I stop and take a good look at what is making up my surroundings. In my notebook I draw showing the people, places and things that are all over the place but that I...