
Showing posts from October 2, 2016

Running Amuck With Coffee & Cats

I often have fun with some images of my cats in my drawings at home, and I've never really been that good with there faces but this one (drawing) isn't so bad. I started with drawing one of my cats that I've had (Camel) sitting licking itself (or preening as I've heard it called) on my armchair. From there we flash to this afternoon: my cats were running amuck all over me and of course I submitted to petting them, well this drawing came out of my pen a few minutes after they had calmed down some and commenced to sitting on the rug while I drew. I like it however it is kind of weird, I suppose one must have lived with cats for a while to appreciate it enough to enjoy it. Anyway so it goes on my drawing board today.

Moment of Peace

Out here in the remote side of life, the idea of serenity seems like it would be a great part of life here but its not necessarily so. People are people wherever one goes, there you are among people. The truth is the surroundings are very suitable to it but one must do the work on the inside to gather serenity on the outside. And one can have ones outsides thrown to the dogs all over again in a moment when one doesn't expect it but your intuition can not always be of help in warning you went its going to come, yet somehow most of us do manage some serenity once in a while, in-between the chaos and striving to get ahead of the pack. Some even want to be in charge of the pack, go wonder about that one, I do. Anyway this drawing deals with those times between when there is a moment when one says "yes, this is what its about" and for those moments I dedicate this drawing of a young couple just sitting out in a meadow enjoying the day and each others' company.