Philly vs the Va. Countryside

Reading a blogger in Philadelphia Pa I am filled with thankfullness for the peace of biking in the countryside around here, I am thinking we aren't very full of congestion everywhere we turn as I was in Philadelphia riding my bike. The blog I read was a sorry comment upon the hopelessness of fighting a gallant fight but with little hope of winning the war of bikes against automotive transportation in the big cities. Here in this small town in Central Virginia we are blessed with a rush hours that last about an hour and a half. We can get around most problems in our town, we also have a good number of committed people who bike to get to work or who take a bike instead of driving a belching car. Hurrah for our small town's efforts to be helpful for us to ride instead of drive. I've never looked back since leaving Philly, but in many ways it shows up that I made the right decision to come to Central Virginia. I've never been sorry to have been spending my time ...