House with a Porch

It was a very productive summer but as all things do this too has past us by, My final outdoor painting for the summer of 2011 is this one of a house on Belmont Ave. It is only the front porch of it but it was a noteworthy place and I featured a few figures in it in order to put some of the viewer into the canvas through identification with those people in the windows.
The playfulness with which I worked the trees was enjoyable. I was able to show much of the lushness of that area's greenery in the yards of these houses. Charlottesville has no shortage of greenery in it's streets and yards, this house has a good deal of it in it's front yard and so I place a tree as a major part of this canvases composition.
Being that it is the last of these outdoor painting season for myself I am thinking of putting a book together of Charlottesville's buildings. This book wouldn't so much be featuring the Rotunda and the University grounds but more of the bui...