Sunday In Harrisonburg

Never spent much time walking around Harrisonburg until this past Sunday when a friend had me a long for a biking trip. He wanted to ride in the "Tour D'Burg" and I went along for company. While he rode with many friends and fellow-cyclist I walked around downtown H'burg. I stopped in a couple of places for coffee and I read the Sunday paper in a typical "diner" atmosphere. Then I went over to the capital building and I spotted a nice little building to sit down in for a while, it turned out to be a spring fountain. There was a sign saying how this spring was a watering hole for Native Americans and animals which became an important spot for the early settlers. It seems this spring became a refreshing spot for settlers who were either traveling up or down the valley and also for people who were going east or west over the mountain passes nearby (where Rt 33 now goes this spring gave them a watering hole. Today, the spring is inside a gazebo type o...