The Gas Crunch Begins Every Trip to the Grocery Store

Working has never been going so well, but I feel that even though our little corner of the world is going well that the cost of living today is going to soon have an impact on us all. With trucks spending over a thousand dollars for one fill-up we'd better get into local food sources. Some are already planning to plant a garden this summer for the very first time to offset the grocery-store prices that are already showing signs of strain. In a word it's better to buy local than to expect to get it cheap at the nation's grocery-store chains because that isn't going to last or so it seems to this little guy. Thankfully, our art supplies are staying about the same but with shipping using gas and oil products no doubt that it will change with the times like everything else. I am gonn'a not pretend that everything is alright just because I can take care of myself. I know we are in this as a nation of free people and not as individuals just trying to "get b...