It really rained today, it was a heavy down pouring at times when I was driving and when I was out walking from my car to the gym. I was told by a professional biologist that weather would become more and more severe as the globe warmed up. It seemed that way today. It's only water though and I could deal with a few wet clothes, but my friend mentioned that the water in the rivers and creeks, streams and so on would crest and most likely go over it's banks tomorrow. Most people don't build in a floodplain but some do. This is when it pays not to build in one. The mountains really collect the water and send it downstream quickly yet still the effects of a heavy rain aren't really felt until the day after a storm. The rain hasn't knocked off much of the tree pedals from the dogwood or other currently flowering trees. They are heartier species of flowering trees that have their flowers out right now around here, because all the earlier flowering trees have lost theirs and now have their green leaves out. The trees like Cherry and Bartlet Pear trees are deflowered by now, whereas the Dogwood flowers remain. I will post one of the photos I took of a Cherry Tree. It was last weekend when I took this photo on this post, some snow had fallen and I found it to help with the effect of frost on the flowering trees.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene