Our Field Trip to Natural Bridge

At our school which is a small outcrop from the local high school, we took a trip to a place in Virginia that I had never seen before yesterday, Natural Bridge is a very nice day trip from where we are located. I was impressed with the fact that there is more to the park than one natural phenomena.
There is a nice walk to an Native American village with people from the original tribe that was living in this area of this part of the world long ago. And some of those members who are decendents of that tribe was their weaving, making jewelry and cooking pancake looking food stuffs over the fire on a griddle at the village. It was truly nice.
Then to walk further on the trail past the village was a bridgeto a cave which we could take a long look downward into the darkness, and even beyond that was a waterfall. There was a lot to see at this tourist attraction. Granted there was the typical tourist center at the start to this trail, but otherwise it was mostly a natural looking place.
The rock Bridge was bought by George Washington after he had been president (or so I believe I not certain about this), he was one of the first colonialist to see it and survey it for the discoveries of the "New World" when the Shenandoah was being mapped (or so it is said). Truth is he did find it and study it's size as a surveyor in as much as he did those sort of studies of the colonies before his post in the military during the French and Indian War. And today it is still standing looking much as it did then but look out for falling rocks. Still today some can fall from it's overpass at anytime striking whomever or whatever lyes below.
It sure is a massive land formation.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

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