Cleveland Ohio and Dan's wedding

During this past weekend I was up in Cleveland at a wedding of a lifelong friend of mine. He's over sixty years old and he has just got'n married once again (only the second time) but this time I think it will stick. It was quiet a wonderful ceremony and reception. During my stay in Cleveland I had a chance to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I really loved the form of the building it is located in on the waterfront of Lake Erie. Inside, there are "cars" that hang from the ceiling and a CD store that is a Classic Rock fans delight. It has most every Classic Rock Band's CDs in stock and ripe for the picking. The museum is ok, they show a film of some of our favorite old time rockers with the additional benefit of showing the Black Blues musicians who were the start of it all. I really enjoyed see those men and hearing their contributions to the music we have today.
My good friend had a great ceremony and the best part was seeing people with whom I haven't enjoyed their company for over thirty-eight years (for some of them at least). I was a long drive up and back here but I'm glad I went. Cleveland Rocks Hard!!


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene