Penn Academy of the Fine Art Visit in Philly

I made it up to Sinking Springs Pennsylvania and then into Philadelphia the next day, what a great city! The city was really alive with people and new stores and buildings that I had never seen before. It was really a treat for me. My friends (Mike and Annson) took me to the new school building for PAFA and then into our old classrooms in the Museum building. It was nice to see the classrooms where I worked so hard to "get it right" but I never felt like I did "get it right". But no matter I had the desire to keep working and the teachers were encouraging none-the-less no matter how "bad" I felt my artwork was coming out. I was carefully brought into the creative world during those formative years in the Old Museum Building.
I did practice and work everyday I could when I was a student in the certificate program at the Academy. After working on casts, it seemed like I improved in my abilities to bring out something worthwhile because of my efforts and time put in at the easel. I still give the Academy credit for any success I have in my painting. The teachers showed me a good deal of understanding and help to do what I wanted to do. It was back in the nineteen seventies when I was a student their but I've been able to take what I learned everywhere I've gone, like the Charlottesville streets, the waters of the Cook Inlet in Alaska and everywhere inbetween. I developed my caricature style at the Academy and the people were supportive with me, showing me where I might look for inspiration in continuing my own style of cartooning. I was told to look up certain artist like Red Grooms who is a really talented man for lampooning our society and it's people, places and things. I was truly taken on a trip down memory lane last Saturday when I visited the old museum building in Philadelphia this past weekend. I'm thankful for the help in getting their showed to me by the people I stayed with who were classmates of mine years ago. I have continued to paint during the good times and not so good times mostly because of the love of art I was given at PAFA in the 1970-75 era.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene