A Return Trip Up North to Penn.

My "tennis elbow" is doing much better. I've been resting it a good deal and it seems to do the trick. I got a short "lite workout" in yesterday and my arm felt just fine. I am thankful because I don't want to give up my exercise because of a faulty joint. I am also getting ready for a trip up north to the Penn Academy of the Fine Arts in Philly, it's where I went to school back in the day. It really showed me how to paint from the ground up which is what I needed at the time. I will be seeing it with a friend who had his studio just across the hallway from me. I'm looking forward to some "Future Shocks" which will no doubt shake my world. They have just moved into a ten story building that was remodeled into artist studios. Previously, the building was a parking garage and I used it when I first visited the Academy in the summer of 1969. I suppose I will be seeing some good artwork and I'm hoping it will inspire me towards great things once I return home to C'ville.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene