Japanese Painting is Done

I've been working on a painting this past Holiday and it's of a Japanese scene that my father photographed. I was able to save a few of my Dad's prints in black and white before we had to throw everything away just after his death in 8-6-91. Of the photos I saved I took one and put a canvas together and worked on it. As I was working I kept a photographic journal of the paintings progress. It took a good while to do as anything worthwhile seems to take for me thesedays, but I will document it on my website at a later date.
I like the results and I may try doing another painting using one of his photos later on in my time at the easel. It is a challenge to do a color reproduction of a black and white photo, it might be every harder to do one the other way around using a color photo and making a black and white canvas out of it. I don't know, I use to do monochromatic charcoal drawings and they weren't all that hard to do. Well, I'm thinking of how nice it is to have had as an interesting a father as mine. I don't know many people who had documented the Japanese in the 1950's the way my Dad did with his camera and his choice of subjects. It's definitely keeping my interest in working on his stuff as a way of keeping myself in paint and canvas work.
I'm going to include a photo of myself on this Blog so one can get the idea of the era we are talking about, it's just after WWII had ended and five years later on there we are living in a Japanese town with a way out of the ordinary life for me to grow up in, it was unique.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene