Painting: I Finally Have The Time

Having work take over my life as it has I don't get much time to enjoy my new camera but I will have more newer photos soon. I have taken some photos just not many and my artwork has had to stop for the time being. I will take up the brush tomorrow afternoon after I get my recycled junk to the Recycling Center. Then I might have some time to myself and thereby some time to paint.
I love my painting time, it's become a real joy. I am liking the results of my efforts, which really hasn't happened since I was in artschool back years ago. I'm hoping to enjoy my pallet tomorrow and to go about it in a slow and deliberate way. I'm that kind of painter today. I've tried a lot of different methods just for the fun of it and the way I enjoy applying paint the best is when I am careful and deliberate in my application of it. I use to draw a pencil sketch before beginning to paint but I no longer find that to be necessary. I go right to the paint brush when I begin. There is sort of a Zen moment when one begins this way. The process is the beauty of it. I enjoy loosing the sense of time and environment that I am surrounded by whenever I paint and get into the depth of what I am trying to do. I really enjoy that more and more as I have matured in my artwork.
I hope to do a photo record of my progress with this painting. People are telling me that they enjoy seeing the steps I have photographed with a couple of other recent canvases. So, I am doing that with this one too. It will be posted on my website in the near future.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene