Stop and Realize What We're A Part Of Here

Tomorrow local elections take place in this fair city. The surrounding county also is holding elections for their board of supervisors which is pretty important seeing how this area is facing so much growth. It's a good place to live but if it gets too crowded it's not going to give us anything but headaches to live with on a daily basis. I'm hoping that somehow someone will realize that if new people move in here they need to have enough of a network of support for these new people meaning roads, schools, water treatment and all that means less green areas. We need to stop and look at what green areas can turn into growth areas and which never should.
The main thing is "where are these people who are to move into these new homes and condos be coming from?" or is this wasted building. I see those condos built behind the West Main Street train station and no one is moving into those places. They haven't had much new people in them for the last three years, and they did away with some nice and helpful woodland. The woodland was sold by the Moneymaker family just to make money (the irony of having that name) and they didn't care what happened to it. Meanwhile the city gets denser and the views of serenity disappear.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene