Thanksgiving in Earlysville Va

A noteworthy Holiday, since I saw my friend and co-artist from this area who is also involved in VSA his name is Chris Wharam and he's a good man. I was able to sit and enjoy a good dinner thanks to his Mom Peggy, and watch a little football on his new HDTV. The reception was a little ruff due to the high winds, it seems to interfere with his satellite hookup. I was glad to have a reason to get out of town for a while, the sky was unique and shown sunlight on the rust colored leaves as I rode out to Earlysville where Chris lives.
I got a lot of painting done too, I finished another canvas and I will begin another soon. I will be photographing it as soon as the weather permits.
The photo on this blog is from a farm across the street from where Chris and his family live. It was an interesting composition so I snapped it.
I'm enjoying the end of the Holiday and to tell you the truth I'm ready to get back to work.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene