Remembering Heavy Snows at Christmas in Va

Getting ready for the Holiday of Christmas reminds me of my parents and the good times we had during those days back in the nineteen sixties in Alexandria Va when the snow covered the cars. We were socked in and it was warm with the Tree's lights just shinning on the snowdrift right outside our bay window in the middle of the night at Christmas time. What a memorable site it was for me as a teenager to see and enjoy, one of those "Kodak Moments" I suppose, either way I do remember how beautiful those nights and days of the heavy snows were for me. I had a great deal of fun going out and walking our family dog in the seemingly huge snowdrifts when he would jump in and out of the snow playing leapfrog from spot to spot just for the hell o' it.
I heard that Massachusetts is getting that kind of snow tonight. I wish I was in it in some weird moments, but then I remember that I moved here because the harsh winter weather of just three hundred miles north of here in Phillie was a little more than I liked. So I guess hindsight is rosy while living in it can be difficult and another experience altogether. I think I'll just enjoy the fifty degree weather we're going to have tomorrow here in Central Virginia.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene