Thoughts On My Pet Oreo

My cat Oreo is getting more and more involved in our life at home. She has gott'n use to a routine and gets bothered if I deviate from it. She sulks but for a little while so it's not really that bad. And thank God she doesn't hold a grudge, she's very forgiving of me so far. I accidentally sat on her when she was on my black and purple computer chair but she moved and fast to get out of the way. I had her a year and one month, and she still seems to find things to like about this apartment. She's doing better than me as far as that goes. She spends a lot more time here than I do, but she finds stuff to do or watch or eat or places to rest. I like her. She's a gift I don't take for granted due to knowing what it's like to live alone for many years without being able to have a pet. Thanks Landlady for allowing me the joy of my pet Oreo.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene