NA Gathering 08

It was a walk in the woods that I used to do to feed my addiction back when I started feeding it. I use to buy a pack of cigarettes for thirty-five cents at a local country-store then go into the woods with a friend by the name of Tommy Beale my cohort in crime and we smoked them all. We smoked the whole pack between the two of us in one "sitting" or more like "walk in the woods", it's amazing to me that we could do that in just an hour or so without getting really sick. After those early days of not ever getting enough even after half a pack of smokes in a short time, I turned to beer as soon as I got to college. I was legal then but I still couldn't get enough, the one (beer buzz)I was about to have was going to be so much better. And on and on....I couldn't ever get enough and seldom felt good and if I did it was short lived, a few moments at best
Last weekend, I walked in the woods with other men who suffer from the disease of addiction, we got alone without drugs this past weekend. We were ok just how we were not needing anything outside of us to influence our feelings or our collective minds, we were clean. We had a good time, we played volleyball, we ate meals together, we shared what we needed to in order to stay clean. This walk in the woods was one where we understood the bigger picture of where we are in our lives.
When we left to go, we all knew a little more about each other than when we got their two days before.
It was a very meaningful weekend, and it's my ninth time of doing this Sponsorship Gathering. It's always been a good thing, like meetings I feel better when I leave such a meeting then when I came to it, better for the growth I've gone thru, both for listening and sharing with my NA brothers. I didn't use, I went to meetings, I listened and shared from my heart. I wasn't all right but I wasn't trying to feel any different than I did at any given moment thru outside means. It was success for me. I'm glad I went.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene