We Took to the Air Yesterday as a Class Trip

I went flying over this little college town yesterday in a Cessna, quite a bit different than flying out on a commercial plane. We were flying at 2,500 feet altitude, it was a little bit hazy but the sky was clear enough to see for some distance but not on and on. We packed two planes with our students and some teachers too in order to take them on a flight. When they returned we packed up the same planes with three passengers a piece then they headed out again for another half-hour flight over Charlottesville. I was able to get some good photos of the land below, I was even able to photograph my own apartment from the air.
A student who really loves watching planes going over head and telling anyone who will listen just what kind of plane it is was able to go on my flight up airborne with me. He actually was flying the plane for a short time, he was thrilled by the experience believe me, I know this not only because he has been talking about Cessnas for the past year in school everyday but also because you could hear it in his voice and speech when we were airborne up in the clouds looking over the mountains below.
No more fitting way to end this school year than to fulfill a student's fondest wish than with this half-hour flight in our cities skies.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene