Big Oil Got Us Good This Time

Why didn't we learn anything from the last oil crises, with our efforts to find alternative energy sources falling short as soon as the price of gas became reasonable again for us to stomach. Well now we are living on a planet that could easily be cooked by our not changing our gas guzzling automobiles to a non-burning engines like we should have thirty years ago during our first gas crises. Now big oil has us by the balls and there is nothing we can do about it but scramble to develop alternative means of going from place to place with the stuff we want without using gasoline to do it.
I am using my car as little as possible. Now when I drive I do three to four things on one trip. And whenever feasible I ride my bike at all other times. Don't wimp out, think about how this planet suffers each time we sit in traffic at a light just burning, burning, and wonder this planet is warming up so....think of how many people around the world must be sitting in traffic just like you... burning, burning, burning....
I think we have hope, the hope that we can all change our ways and consider more than our own needs before we crank up our cars to go out and drive. It's a shame that it's taken these price hikes to bring us to our senses but maybe that's what this planet needs to happen before we take the steps we need to in order to keep us from just cooking ourselves and everything else on this earth. Well my rant is done for this summer, I'll try to lighten up from here on in.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene