C'ville Market Artshow Goes Up Today

We don't get a lot of rain here during the typical summer but today I can see rain off to the west that should reach here by this afternoon if it doesn't dry up. We have some really dry air overhead. I'll be happy to see the rain when it comes even if I am planning to put up an artshow of my own this evening.
I will hang a group of my watercolors tonight at a local produce shop just around the corner from me. It will hang for the month of August. I've gott'n everything together, I've written the "artist statement", I've written the description for each piece that shows the title, name, size and so on. I've also brought all the hooks and nails that I will need and well I'm ready to go.
You wouldn't think a vegetable shop would be a good place in which to hang art, but this place is ideal for letting the local public see art. It will be hung right at the end of the checkout line and while people are waiting to have their items priced they tend to look at the art on the wall which is right next to the end of the line. It's a flaming red wall too, which is very different and definitely brings attention to whatever is hung on it. So I am looking forward to hanging art tonight.
The store is named "C'ville Market" and it has quite a following, it sells local veggies. More people come in when the University is in session but still a good number of people will see this show. Besides, I have another show their in November 08, so nothing lost by showing in August. I have plenty of art right now. I have been working hard and I haven't shown anything in over a year so I'm ready to go.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene