One Man's Thoughts On The Change Inside Us

Walking around town, I see many faces who's names aren't known to me but their face is; because seeing them over the years brings familiarity of them into my life. I enjoy seeing people gain their own stride in life and working in the school system you see students graduate and once in a blue moon you see them walking downtown and one can see if they are continuing to accomplish their goals in life by merely seeing their outsides. Now I don't belief you can tell a book by it's cover but you can tell some things by the appearance of said book but granted one doesn't know the whole store until one communicates with that person.
But people change over time, the question is does the person inside change? I'm still seeking the answer to that one. "Some do and some don't" so it seems to me. In my twelve step program I've learned that only through "stepwork" can we change that addict inside to be a person who's ok inside the skin they live in, to do so one must work towards getting comfortable with God, with other people, and then with their past, plus keep up with how one is doing today towards all that and more. So, maybe with work on one's own life and our relationships with others we can and do change to be a better person than we were in our past. But then how many people do all that and do they ever change? Questions Questions: Life is a group of changing events, people and places, where do I fit into it?


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene