777: I Thought It Was A Plain Until Today

What are they thinking, those Republicans are doing us more harm than good in a very selfish way.
I cann't believe the way a vote on our future financial well being was simply dismissed by a group because it might harm their reelection chances, and if they are just mouthing the voice of their voters then they need to get a grip and lead those voters to do the right thing instead of simply ignoring the needs of the country right now. Its a selfish thing to ignore your neighbors plight simply because it isn't your own.
And as far as having government leading our country's banking regulations well if they didn't we'd be in a pickle. Our government is an organization that is in office because it is to look out for our common good and well being. This means to keep us from hurting ourselves as we tend to do if we just run wild. We've let down our guard by letting down our controls over our monetary practices and now we see the results of what happens when people are let go to just run wild with money making schemes. Let's face it we need the help of controls before we forget what happened in 1929 and I believe it seems like we are actually too dumb to learn from our mistakes in the past or our history.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

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