Old Lovers, Good Solid Hindsight

Enjoying this cool morning is very much a good time for me. The apartment house is quite from all the present occupants being asleep from their partying last night, see it's Sunday morning and well I just didn't fall asleep so....I'm up and you can hear a pin drop, or a cat lick itself clean. I have my favorite Radio Paradise on my headphones right now and they're playing some really good Squire Nut Zippers "In the Afterlife" it's some really funny stuff. Today I get to rest for a good while with the extra hour of time to waste, I might take a easy finally but who knows. As I've aged, its become a little easier to deal with missed sleep than it was in my younger years. I use to hate missing sleep. I hated having my girlfriend, even if she was one of the most beautiful scenes I ever woke up to, get me up early on a weekend morning just to watch the sunrise. Hell I hated that, my eyes were bleary, my mouth was always real dry and my cigarette habit just did do it. But I lied and said "I had a good time" to her and she seemed to believe it, afterall I didn't lie about much so it didn't seem incredulous to her. Or so it seemed, but what did I know, we didn't communicate much. She moved out shortly after that to be more independent and have her own space. That need was news to me, as I said we didn't talk much.
Life changed after she moved, we did live again in another place after that surprise but well, she did keep her thoughts mostly to herself. When she finally shared some later on in life, I wasn't too pleased with what she said to me. I guess the old saying "don't open your mouth and prove your stupidity to everyone" has it's points. She wasn't actually stupid, no it's more that we just didn't see eye to eye but had never bothered to look at one another in the eye and talk. She was intelligent and capable, and she believed in me. That in itself me in awe of her. A friend recently mentioned her to me in a manner that told me that she was very caring of me and only wanted good for me. I am thankful for that, because when I look at old photos of me or an old portrait done of me, I don't see much to love about me. She was very generous to be so loving towards me. I just wonder, "what was she thinking". But lets let it continue to be a natural mystery of life for me.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene