On The Fly

The day is gray, wet and dark with little hope of change for the next day either nor this one. This is good dismal weather for the blackest crows to fly overhead and well you know the rest....
A good day to spend indoors. A day of work, meetings, exercise in the gym and being on the run. I guess it's what must happen in order for us to be forgiven for the sins of our forefathers but it's hard at times. Never too hard, just hard and wearing on my inner soul. However the alternative is not any better, only worse to be truthful so I shouldn't complain, I am not really complaining but it's ruff. I know it won't always be like this and we will attain our reward if we give it enough time. And I also know the reward is having the kind of life that I do enjoy living. So on I will go, and smile about it because after all it is the best of all lives that we live here in the states. I've seen other parts of the world and I realize that this claim is true. True enough for me to do all the work required of me in order to be a "part of society".


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene