Working On Some Art Today

Seeing some of the white stuff on the ground this morning was a bit of a surprise. No matter, the schools are in session and the day will go on, it's just a gentle reminder of the season we are heading into and what may be in store for us.
Seeing all the great things that fall brings has been a real joy, like a new president-elect, that in itself is a real joy. I'm glad to have helped the system get him in office earlier this month.
I will be working with a student on an art project of painting something he would like to see. I'm not exactly sure what we will produce but it will be something worthwhile and hopefully a joy for him to work on. I am going to be using art equipment much like the equipment I use here at home with my own art. I want these guys to have a real experience of doing what artist do with the stuff artist make their work with, the brushes, the palette, the very same canvas that I use when I make a work of art.
It's cold outside and lucky for me everything I need for the art project is at work. I can rest assured that it will all go as it's suppose to go today. So it's on with the show....


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene