A New Book In The Works

If I only had something to say I might be able to speak it with certainty but today is just another day in the life. But I did bike to work. I also introduced my new book's test copy to the Board of Very Special Arts which was helpful in lighting up their faces at a rather dull meeting. I do like the work everyone was talking about having done or in the process of getting done. Without the dedicated folks who liven up people with disabilities there would be no life for me, I would no doubt have done myself in somehow years ago. So I am thankful for the dullness because it helps someone in this case. But I do have to say once I showed off the test copy of the new book "Japanese Memories" of mine, eyes lite up and expressions showed astonishment for the lack of a better word. It was a memorable moment for me, it makes all the work I do worthwhile when I see something like that in a people's faces. And the book wasn't really much of plan on my part, but I kind of fell into it with a friend's urging. I'm thankful to his encouragement, thanks Sal S. from the two coasts. I'll see him when he flies in sometime soon.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene