VAIA Opens a Gallery on the Downtown Mall

The art opening at VAIA otherwise known at this time as Virginia Artist in Action which is a non-profit organization of local artist has had it's first opening in it's new gallery space on the downtown mall. Even with all the construction of rebricking the mall, the people found us this past Friday night. We had over two hundred guest drop in on us on that night at least that seemed to be the count by our very scientific estimates. Ha!
It's always nice to talk to people about my current work. I enjoy seeing and hearing what people think about my paintings. Most just enjoy the hard bright intense color I use in my canvases. That's ok with me. I enjoy it too or I wouldn't have made them that colorful.
Many more enjoyable times to come I feel. In March I will be the featured artist in the gallery. I will have my newer work I've been doing on the photographs my father took while we lived in Kamahura, Japan in the fifties. So a book about those paintings is on the way and should be ready for the exhibit at VAIA right here in our sleepy little hamlet.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene