CPRCNA XXIIII in Ocean City, Md

The 23rd CPRCNA in Ocean City Maryland this past weekend was awe inspiring for me. The speakers were of the best quality and shared very highly motivating spiritual principals of our program with we who were willing to sit in a workshop. I enjoyed the main speaker as well on Saturday night. I've been in a room with over two thousand Recoverying Addicts before but there were many more than that in attendance during the main speakers talk with us. The main speaker was from the west coast and brought with him a new version of sharing with the experience of having worked our program for many many years, and he was by no means perfect, no he was very real with us. Nothing could have been more helpful to me last weekend than to hear how he's done it. He's been sponsored by men who quite literally wrote the Basic Text, and help found NA in California back in the early 1950's. And you know, he was very youthful in his attitude and approach to 'what it takes to stay clean and grow spiritually in the program of Narcotics Anonymous'. I loved it.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene