Imaginary Landscapes

In as much as spring has come to us here in these foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, its nice to have a cool day once in a while to remind us of what season we are leaving behind. It was a very cold winter for some of us. A little bit to the north of us it was a very wet snowy winter but thankfully we missed most of the white stuff here in Charlottesville, Va.
I have been working on my art during this past month and I have one painting which I will be sharing with you on this edition of my blog. It is an imaginary landscape and it was done to entertain myself while I spent some afternoons indoors here in my apartment. I have been inspired by trees lately, it seems to be a bit of an obsession for me this past winter. I painted a good number of small landscapes featuring a few trees in there various states, some where dead and others were bear while some others were full with leaves. Many were done with a yellow, orange and deep red sky in the background so that there were very dramatic in there nature. I plan to stop painting trees as soon as it becomes warm enough to go out and paint the real world out their in this little town. I am very ready to do so. But for now, it seems to be trees and more trees for me.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene