Workouts and Health

It's a hot hot day, but nice none the less when you consider the colder weather we just got through. I was able to enjoy a full week of work. I actually enjoy my job and I don't regret being on the job from day to day. My best enjoyment besides painting is jumping on my bike and riding off to the gym, working out and then riding on back home. A cool wet shower is what follows. I use to hate "jocks" who enjoyed such things as exercise but today it's my turn and it's not a bad lifestyle to be "into". The joy is that it makes you feel good for doing it, for being active can actually make one "feel good". Another side benefit is good health. Health problems seem to go by the wayside when one exercises regularly and for a good enough amount of time per day or as I do every other day. For I believe the body needs a slight amount of rest between workouts, so I take every other day off to rest myself. It seems to work for me. My medical doctors says not to give it up, so I'll keep it up.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Fun Drawing , Believe Me, Just for Fun