12-1 Cavaliers vs Duke

Mann I could believe the way those baseball boys of summer played ball today at Davenport Stadium here in Charlottesville. They were excellent to say the very least about them.
I sat with a friend who was nice enough to remind me that there were going to be games this weekend, and that they would miss me if I chose to do other things. Well after a minutes thought, I went. It was impressively incredible to watch the athletic abilities of these young men perform against another ACC rival which was Duke. They blew it wide open in the seventh with a grand slam homerun by Jarrett Parker who by doing so improved his RBI to 53 for the season so far. It ended with Duke (who was proving itself to be a good opponent with a win two days before and only loosing by one run in close one the day before) loosing it 12-1.
This is a young team, and I'm looking for a lot more to come next year. Today they retired three jerseys and said goodbye to three outstanding players who will no doubt go on to other good things in their futures.
Most people are looking forward to a possible bid to host the NCAA playoffs this year here at Davenport Field. I certainly think with today's performance they have a good chance of doing just that. Go Hoos, and I only live here, I never had any real connection to the University, but I've enjoyed seeing the young men who have come through here playing that game of the summer.


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