Working in the Art of Painting

Working on paintings can be exhausting but rewarding if one likes the progress one makes in a day's work. Yesterday's work was good. I finished one complete painting in two and a half hours out in the streets and then touching up the loose ends for about another half hours at home. I am not looking for perfection however I am looking for good quality so I am not pushing myself to just produce new paintings but to produce fully developed paintings which atmosphere, use of light and content relevant to this area of the city.
This part of town is in a Renaissance of sorts, since many of the older buildings have gone through a rebuilding phase and the installation of new businesses once they are done and renewed. The good thing is in the renewal no established members of the community have been displaced by it. These rebuilt stores are very scenic and colorful additions to the "downtown Belmont" area cityscape which in turn pulls me like a moth to an open flame to paint them. And so that is where I am headed out to in a few moments with canvas in hand and a backpack of an easel. Wish me luck bro!


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene