More to Come in Belmont

I get to mess around a little more tomorrow with my paints and canvas. I will be working on a local Belmont spot that I use to stop in to get a six-pack and a homemade ham sandwich. Since those times the owner has moved on, sold the store, and is now near his end. He heard from his son, that I had done a painting of his store and the both of them were amazed that I would paint their store. I made a three foot square painting of and it was bought by the City of Charlottesville which hung it in the Parks and Rec Dept in the city hall annex. It was their that Gibson's son saw it. They called me and it inspired me to do another version of it which I will start by drawing it tomorrow. Soon I will get to work on a small oil and I'll reassess it after that to see if I want to try another small painting or maybe work on a larger one. I'll wait to see how it goes this coming week.
I am thankful I've had a good summer working in oils this summer. I plan to keep it up.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene