
Whatever happened to phone etiquette? Did it die and good clean death or what? People can be a real novelty when it comes to the way phones are used today. It's become an Anything Goes kind of a world with regards to talking on the phone in public. And while we're on (a rant that is) it, have you noticed all the shadows appearing on the walls where public phones use to hang. There going the way of the station-wagon, to the graveyard, I'm seeing society change all around me and the hardest thing to do is to adjust to them. It can be done. And I will, I can, and I'll enjoy it too.


What Has Worked;

Penn Academy of the Fine Art Visit in Philly

The First Structure in Nelson County of European Settlers

Hut for a Blue Tractor and a Red Grass-Cutter

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

Whiting Oil Company on W. Main St. C'ville, Va.