It was a warm morning, the day began with an impressive sunrise only to be continued with a terrific time in school
When we went out to clean up our adopted street, I wasn't sure if we could even make a dent. But today, the day after a bus driver said she couldn't see even a spot of trash on the street of ours.
And after that morning chore, we went to work at a local golf course. While on the greens we got a really nice cool breeze from a passing storm. Although the storm looked impressive there was no sound of thunder or flash from lighting. All the employees from the golf course were out doing their various jobs so I didn't see any reason why we couldn't go out and work on filling some divots. We worked for what seemed to be a couple of hot hours. I use the term we loosely because the students did all the bending and shoveling with the spades. I overlooked their work and it was judged to be good by the man who showed us where to work for the day. These guys I work with are quality young men, all they need is a little direction adjustments in life's currents amid it's streams. I find both our guys are good at following directions and also even more unusual being good listeners to those directions. I don't think I was even that good at it when I was their age. I think I had it all under control, but with a lack of experience I think I was a little intimated by taking on challenging tasks.
Anyway, it was quite a cool day in both events and weather events that effected my day.
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What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene