A Political View for a Change

We have ways in Virginia, we educate our students with the best demands on their performance and then we hardly pay their teachers for that favor. Our schools of higher learning have some of the best reputations in the nation and the world for that matter. And I rarely get that general minded because I know the world has their ears up whenever that word comes from US (A). But it's true, and our political season is one where the people of Virginia are able to elect the leader of this state one more time. I'm hoping they won't be swayed by talk of lowering taxes so people's votes depend only on having a few more dollars in their pockets. It's happened before with ending our car tax, and sure people got a lower bill but at what expense. Look at what bad shape Virginia's interstate roads are in and look at how paralyzed we are at taking new initiatives in transportation we are as a state. Look at what we get from not paying our fair debt, we are paying now alright with bridges that are badly in need of repair. Schools who only hopes are in our current President's fiscal initiatives in order to take care of this areas school's infrastructures needs. So when we fail to pay for our state's needs we will pay sometime down the road but most likely at a much greater cost for us all.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene