Blizzard In Belmont, Charlottesville,Va.

We're Covered w The White Stuff Today.

This is my backyard and there is a stairway under their somewhere buried under some of that white snow. I think I'll be stepping carefully on the way out later on. We only have sixteen inches here but on the other side of the Blue Ridge Mtns they have twenty seven recorded inches at Sherando State Park. That's snug tucked up against the western edge of the Blue Ridge Mtns near Waynesboro,Va.
The schools just we let out for the winter break yesteday and no more than a few hours later this weather began to fall upon us. The officals say it's the largest snowfall ever that located itself in this part of Virginia that could be found in their records. But those records only go back to the ninteen sixties so I don't know how much creedence I would give that claim. It sure is nice though that we finally have some of the white stuff slowing things down. For me at least, it's a lot of fun. So far.
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What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene