Musing on Freetime During this Storm

It's been a great day with a short power outage. I think of that as a mere reminder of how much we count on power for our lives to work well and without discomfort. I could go on about all those countries where electrical power is not nearly as available as it is to us but I won't bother you with those tales.
This is the biggest storm I think I've ever been in. It's beautiful and it gave me much time to work on a new painting here at home without interruption from outsiders. Only my cat provided me with a little distraction by entertaining me with her antics. She a charmer for sure.
Anyway, I do enjoy people's comments on my paintings and other art as well. It keeps me honest and gives me the necessary push to continue down paths that I had since forgone. I'm glad about that because without a occasional nudge I think I would head down the road of complacency thereby loosing my own identity.
Well, I'll post a photo from the beginning of this storm some are calling the Megablizzard of 10


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene